
About Journey To The Overland

Journey To The Overland is a Solo Tabletop Roleplaying Game that uses a system of card driven encounters to allow a single player to do almost anything with his character alone that he or she could do in a standard roleplaying game. There are rules for learning new skills, obtaining a job, getting married, having children, traveling, training, joining a knightly order, becoming a Dragonslayer, fighting in an arena, forming your own kingdom, usurping the king, defeating a dragon or killing the evil wizard Morcai. All solo!

King Overlord

solo tabletop game, Pathfinder, Rpg game

King Overlord is the present ruler of the Overland. He rules from Kings Castle and
all knights in the land swear allegiance to him.

Wizard Morcai

solo tabletop game, Pathfinder, Rpg game

Morcai is a powerful and evil wizard who has constantly opposed the king. He rules from Fire Castle and commands an army of orcs,
goblins and other non-human creatures being amassed to subjugate all of the Overland AFTER the king is defeated.

King Thorond

solo tabletop game, Pathfinder, Rpg game

King Thorond is Lord of the Dwarves who rules from Dwarfhaven. He is also the leader of the Dragonslayers an elite class of Dwarven warriors and expert dragonslayers.

The Bane Knights

solo tabletop game, Pathfinder, Rpg game

The First Knight "Bonelord", Second Knight "Swift" and Third Knight "Horatio" are known as the Bane knights as they each assist the king in his rule from their fortress estates Rebels Bane, Pirates Bane and Demons Bane. Should any attack befall the king or Kings Castle they will be his first line of defense.

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